Monday, July 11, 2016

Your Job

People are always looking for similarities from the past to predict the future. This blurb is from: The comparison here is with Bear Sterns crashing and the market making new highs afterwards before the whole thing later unraveled.

After the new high in the market today articles like this are also common: Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out which one is correct. that's why it's called a stock market.

Another similarity between 2007 and 2008 has hit.
The first major warning sign of the 2008 meltdown was several Bear Stearns hedge funds that specialized in subprime mortgages imploding.
The UK is now experiencing something very similar.
Three more fund managers have stopped investors from leaving their UK property funds, trapping an additional £5.5bn and bringing to six the funds unable to meet withdrawal requests after the Brexit vote.
More than half of the £25bn of funds committed to commercial property by retail investors is now locked down by managers, who are under pressure to sell buildings to raise cash.

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